

It is the wish of St Mary's Church that we can do everything possible to support, listen and love all in our parish, whether members of the church or not.


Prayer is a way of offering your worries, your joys and your thanks to God. If you have something for which you would appreciate prayer, we would see it as a privileged to surround you in prayer by passing your request to our Prayer Circle. Our Prayer Circle is made up of a dedicated team of pastorally sensitive people who will include your prayer within their own daily prayers. It may be that it's been a tough week, exams, coming to terms with bereavement, health issues, whatever you wish to share, in confidence, we will support you in prayer.


Prayer Requests can be sent to us by;

EMAIL: to Anna Boyce via 


IN CHURCH: Our Church is open 7 days a week from 830am until late afternoon. In Church there is an area where you can light a candle and place a prayer card in a box which is checked daily.


Please be assured that all requests are confidential, and no request is too small, frivolous, or unimportant. It will be our privilege to support you in this special way.   


If you would like to be a praying member of the Circle Anna would be very pleased to hear from you via the email address above, or please contact Martin.