The Parochial Church Council relies on the goodwill of its parishioners for its income.
This can be as cash put onto the collection plate during a service, by putting it in a Gift Aid envelope as part of regular planned giving, or by the use of a Standing Order from your bank.
Joining the Parish Giving Scheme is an easy way to set up regular tax-efficient giving to St Mary's. Click on this link for more details: or see the Parish Giving Scheme leaflet below.
Click on the image below to find out how you can contribute to ensure the vital works of the Church can continue.
Cashless donations can be made to St Mary’s Church:
- By internet banking to ‘Richmond with Hudswell PCC’
Sort Code 40-38-19. Account No. 50701793 (Please note - HSBC have recently changed their verification process - all the details are correct but they think that, as the name of the account is more the 18 characters allowed for the name, it is causing problems and advise that people insert as much of the account name as they can and the rest of the account name in the box that is for verification.)
- Give By Text (PAYM free service) Text 07960 869955
- By debit/credit card or by Apple or Google Pay using one of the two contactless donation machines in church
- All can be gift aided using a yellow envelope
Tax-Efficient Giving
PCCs are legal charities and, as such, are exempt from income tax. The tax which has been paid on the money given by the congregation can be recovered from the Inland Revenue. The PCC prefers tax efficient giving. More information is available at
The church can provide you with an information pack, which contains information on planned giving, including a Gift Aid declaration form and a banks standing order form. Please pick one up from the back of church and once it is completed please give it to one of the Sides people, the Verger or Churchwardens to hand on to the Treasury team.
Online shopping and fundraising (without it costing you a penny):
Please do shop locally if you can. Doing so makes a real difference to the lives of those who call Richmond home. If, however you really need to shop online, why not raise money for the Friends of St Mary’s at no cost to you. Give As You Live is linked to 4000 stores and gives up to 5% of your purchase price to the charity of your choice. Click here to register for ‘Give as You Live’. Please ask for your donation to go to the The Friends Of The Parish Church Of St Mary The Virgin, Richmond North Yorks (make sure it’s the right St Mary’s – there are lots of them!). A little red heart will appear top right of your screen whenever you are shopping. Click on that and donations are taken automatically at no cost to you.
For Amazon you need to join Again, Click here to register for ‘Smile.’. Enter your details and when asked for details of the charity you want to support, select; The Friends Of The Parish Church of St Mary The Virgin, Richmond North Yorks. Once registered sign into Amazon via Smile.Amazon and 0.5% of everything you buy will go to The Friends. It’s not much, but it is the best Amazon will do and it all adds up – and gives one a slightly warm feeling to compensate for all that money given to Amazon!
The Church has been severely affected by falling attendances due to the Covid lockdown, but still has the same bills to pay. If you feel able to offer us any further finaincial assistance, everything would be greatly appreciated. This help may come in an increase to regular giving, or may be in the form of a one off payment. Please do not offer more than you are able.
Alternatively, you might consider donating to the Friends who are raising money for outreach work in the community over Christmas. Donations to the Friends are welcome by cheque, cash or BACS (Friends of the Parish Church St Mary the Virgin sort code 20 – 25 – 29 account number 2039 1441). For further details contact Peter Trewby ( telephone 07885 347736) or Graham Barber (